Serve for a Week
Through the Center for Social Justice, and with campus partners including Mission & Ministry, the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor and more, 100 Georgetown students, faculty and staff mobilize across the country and globe to immerse themselves and learn about communities and the social injustices they face.

Alternative Breaks Program
The Alternative Breaks Program provides students with opportunities for social justice immersion in communities across the United States during the long weekends and Spring Break. Currently, the Program supports trips that examine a diverse set of social justice issues ranging from poverty to prison reform. No matter how far participants travel on Alternative Breaks, whether it may be to Detroit, New Orleans, Tucson, or West Virginia, all participants travel and serve under the guidance of the same five Alternative Break pillars: justice immersion, cultural immersion, service, reflection, and substance-free fun.

Magis Kino
CSJ and GU’s Office of Mission and Ministry co-organize an annual immersion program for faculty and staff, Magis Kino. Magis Kino works to: “promote US/Mexico border and immigration policies that affirm the dignity of the human person and a spirit of bi-national solidarity through direct humanitarian assistance and accompaniment with migrants, social and pastoral education with communities on both sides of the border, and participation in collaborative networks that engage in research and advocacy to transform local, regional, and national immigration policies.” This journey prompts Georgetown community members to reflect on the ways in which the university community recognizes and supports the immigrant experience on our own campus and in Washington, DC. Magis Kino grew out of a previously existing CSJ and Campus Ministry immersion program for students (learn more through this Georgetown magazine article), and builds on the legacy of the Kenya Immersion and Peru immersion programs for faculty and staff.