Students: Enroll in a Social Justice Course
Social Justice and Reflection
Students can gain academic credit by reflecting on service in the community through a critical lens by enrolling in one of CSJ’s experience-wrapping pass/fail courses: Intersections and Social Action.
Community-Based Learning (CBL) Courses
CBL courses are offered in partnership with community-based organizations. These partners collaborate with Georgetown faculty and the CSJ to develop course activities that meet both student learning objectives and community-identified needs.
A Jesuit and Catholic University, Georgetown offers a tremendous depth and breadth of learning opportunities for students to explore and grapple with social justice within and across academic disciplines.
Not sure where to start, or ready to go deeper than you have gone so far? Keep scrolling for a how-to on enrolling in CSJ-affiliated CBL and critical reflection courses. Or email to set up a 1:1 meeting time to discuss your interests and goals.
Critical Reflection 1-Credit Wrap-Arounds are offered in person on campus during the school year and online during the summer. Follow these links to learn more and register:
UNXD 1130: Social Action (fall and spring semesters, main campus)
UNXD 1030: Intersections of Social Justice (summer, online)
Community-based Learning Courses are listed each semester on CSJ’s website [link]. Students can search for CBL courses in GU Experience by selecting “community-based learning” as a filter in the “attribute type” menu:

Faculty who teach courses in partnership with community-based organizations work with the CSJ to receive the Community-Based Learning Course Attribute in GU Experience.
The CBL Course Attribute signifies that a course:
- has been designed in collaboration with a community partner(s) in a spirit of reciprocity, such that
- student learning objectives are met in a way that responds to community-identified goals, and
- the course involves significant, critical reflection on the intersections of experiential fieldwork, classroom learning, and systems of oppression and liberation.
To learn more about the CBL Course Attribute, reach out to