Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service

Honoring Judge Ricardo Urbina (C’67, L’70)

Judge Urbina NYT

Katherine Frey/The Washington Post, via Getty Images

We honor double Hoya Judge Ricardo Urbina (C’67, L’70) who passed away. Along with former Georgetown Vice President Dan Porterfield, Judge Urbina created the “After School Kids” (ASK) Program  that continues strong through the Center for Social Justice. Judge Urbina was known for his alternative forms of “sentencing,” and this program was one of those initiatives, in which court-involved DC youth spent time with Hoyas who serve as mentors on campus and in DC. Judge Urbina’s son, Ian (C’95), wrote to us:

[Judge Urbina] was deeply proud of how successful ASK became and clearly still is. Congrats to you on that. Such incredibly important work. Please keep up your amazing work. There is no greater way to honor his legacy than what you are doing. 

– Ian Urbina, June 27, 2024

Read more about Judge Ricardo Urbina’s legacy in Washington, DC and beyond.