Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service

Justice Graduate Interns (JGIs)

The Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching, and Service (CSJ) seeks Georgetown University Master’s level graduate students to serve as Justice Graduate Interns. CSJ’s graduate student positions are part of the Georgetown Alliance for Graduate Employees (GAGE) Union. The AY24-25 hourly rate is $22.66/hr.

JGI positions for AY24-25 are posted by position title below. Apply by submitting responses to this interest form. Please direct questions to

Administration (Applications and Awards) (no longer hiring for this position in Spring 2025)

Capitol Campus (filled)

Climate and Environmental Justice (FILLED)

Community-Engaged Learning and Immersion (filled)

Educational Equity I (DC Reads/STEM programs) (two positions filled)

Educational Equity II: Jumpstart Program (filled)

Engaged Scholarship (filled)

HOME: Homelessness Outreach Meals and Education (two positions filled)

Immigrant Justice Initiatives (DC Schools Project) (filled)

Operations: Finance & Administration (filled)

Racial Justice Initiatives (no longer hiring for AY2024-2025)

Student Leadership and Training (filled)

Youth Justice Initiatives: ASK Program (filled)

Graduate students serving as CSJ JGIs are required to participate in the Critical Conversations on Race dialogue series with Associate Director, Lionell Daggs III. The program includes mentorship and opportunities for additional professional development. JGIs are invited to use the full resources of the Center, including the conference room, supply closet, Commons workspace, and kitchen. Each JGI is assigned a locker in the CSJ for their use. 

CSJ collaborates with diverse campus and community partners in its mission to promote and integrate community-based research, teaching, and service into the co-curricular life of the University. CSJ acts as a hub through which students, faculty, and staff engage in work on the social justice spectrum including activism, advocacy, community-based learning and research, community service, volunteerism and leadership. CSJ offers over 100 programs each year; nearly 200 students each semester use their Federal Work Study allocation towards a CSJ community engagement position while approximately 1,500 undergraduates have some interaction with CSJ each semester. Through CSJ’s work, Georgetown University upholds its mission of social justice and its commitment to the common good. A Master’s level graduate student can work no more than 20 hours/week – in all campus employment combined – when classes are in session. A CSJ JGI can work no more than 15 hours/week. CSJ supervisors do their best to provide consistent levels of work for JGIs, but hours can fluctuate. Full-time Georgetown employees who are taking graduate level courses are not eligible.