Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service

Social Justice Week

Friday, February 24
6:00-8:00 pm
HFSC Social Room

CSJ Student Community Appreciation Dinner + Workshop
Student Leaders, Tutors, Mentors, Student Staff + Graduate Interns

6:00 Community Dinner in HFSC Social Room
7:00 Film + Workshop: Reimagining America’s 3rd World

Reimagining America’s 3rd World will explore the criminal legal system from an abolitionist perspective through a documentary short & post-film activity. The purpose of this documentary is to explain my definition of “America’s 3rd World” – the marginalized, largely ignored communities within America’s borders that operate under de-facto laws, codes of ethics, and institutions, such as the incarcerated, homeless, those battling mental health, the poor, black and brown communities.